This Watertown Area United Way funded initiative partners with Dolly Parton Imagination Library to make sure children in Codington County have books of their own. Each month a new, carefully selected book will be mailed in your child's name directly to your home. He/she can look forward to new and exciting reading adventures until he/she turns five years old as long as you remain a resident of Codington County.
Who is Eligible?
Preschool children from birth to age five who reside in Codington County.
What Are My Responsibilities?
Submit an official online registration via Dolly Parton's Imagination Library.
Notify United Way any time your address changes. Books are mailed to the address listed on the official registration form.
Read with your child!
What are the Costs of the Program?
The program is free. However, if you would like to contribute to the cost of the books for your child, you can give additionally through the Watertown Area United Way Annual Campaign. The books cost United Way $29 per child, per year.
When Will I Receive Books?
Once you sign up, United Way will provide books to your child through The Dollywood Foundation’s Imagination Library program. The books are sent directly to your home and are age & developmentally appropriate for your child.
Eight to ten weeks after your registration form has been received, books will begin arriving at your home and will continue until your child turns five or you move out of Yankton County.
Books will arrive monthly. The date of arrival may fluctuate each month due to packing, sorting and shipping variables. Your understanding is appreciated.
Questions? Email us at director@watertownunitedway.org
En Espanol:
Watertown Area United Way con la Biblioteca regional de Watertown ofrecen libros gratis for alguna ninos menores de cinco (5) anos que viven en nuestro Codington County. Registrar a sus hijos por la Biblioteca de la Imaginacion. Cada mes se enviara por correo un nuevo libro cuidadosamente seleccionado, con el nombre de su hijo(a) directamente a su casa. El primer libro es siempre un clasico de los ninos El Pequeno Motor Que Podria y la ultima es Preparate, Kindergarten! Alla Voy! Lo mejor de todo es que es un REGALO GRATUITO para su hijo a traves de nuestra asociacion con Watertown Area United Way! Quien cualifica? Ninos menores de cinco anos que viven en nuestro Codington County. Cuales son mis responsabilidaes? Ser residente de nuestro Codington County,llenar la planilla de matriculacion con el registro oficial, y lea con su hijo y diviertase! De ocho a diez semanas despues de que su formulario de registro haya sido recibido, los libros comenzaran a llegar a su casa y continuaran hasts que su hijo compla cinco anos o usted se mude fuera de nuestra area de cobertura.
Para registarse visite La Biblioteca de La Imaginacion de Dolly Parton | Watertown Area United Way (watertownunitedway.org).